Quanten-Sprung-Formel zum Erfolg UPGRADE

In diesem wertvollen UPGRADE (Wert: 1299€) bekommst du jetzt für NUR 89€ das Folgende:

  1. Gruppen-Coaching-Sitzung mit mir persönlich (Wert: 210€)

    Nachdem wir deine Erfolgs-blockaden während des Trainings klar lokalisieren , treffen wir uns in einem Gruppen-Coaching-Anruf und lösen diese nachhaltig auf. In dieser Tiefen-Transformation wirst du die Möglichkeit haben, dich über das Quantenfeld mit deinem Potential zu verbinden, um noch zielklarer zu werden. 

  2. Dein persönliches digitales Transformations-Tool (Wert: 90€)

    Im Anschluss an den Kurs bekommst du eine auf dich abgestimmte, für dich individuell produzierte Autosuggestions-Audio-Datei, welche dir helfen wird, dein Unterbewusstsein von deinem neuen Vorhaben zu überzeugen um mehr Schubkraft zu generieren, deinen Zielen klar und selbstbewusst zu folgen.

  3. Aufnahmen vom kompletten Kurs (Wert: 999€)

    Du hast zu dem wertvollen Kursinhalt für den Rest deines Lebens Zugang! 

92% off
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This full crash course is based on the neuro-science backed understanding that 95% of our reality is created by our subconscious and only 5% by our conscious, rational mind.

By using various tools, you begin to consciously ally with your subconscious, with 95% of your potential, and to raise the vibration of your frequency field so that, as conscious co-creator of your reality, you can live the life you love.

This 21-day step-by-step online coaching program is designed so that after 21 days your belief system is completely updated, having transformaed limiting patters into creative ones and your frequency is tuned into happiness and success, just like you will define your ideal and fulfilled life!


You will be guided step by step every day with clear instructions (21 modules with video + workbook + guided meditations) so that you only need to implement it. It requires a total of around 1.5 hours of attention per day from you (the actually timing of the various tools is totally up to you, you get a calendar proposal and an empty calendar to fill out regarding your personal needs & schedule)

In this online coaching course “Quantum Leap Formula PLUS” you will be personally accompanied by me as your Quantum Coach through this process. You have the opportunity during these 21 days to get in touch with me and to discuss and resolve any questions and blockages with me directly.

In the PLUS package you also have 3 x 1:1 "Quantum-Neuro-Shifting" sessions with me over the phone, in which we track down the root of the chain of self doubt & self-sabotage in your energy field. With the new and exclusively unique "Quantum-Neuro-Shifting" Method, you will advance in one hour more than in one month with traditional methods.



The "Quantum Leap Formula" is based on very profound and scientific principles. It is based on the discoveries of quantum physics and the quantum model of reality, which says that the outside world is an extension of the mind and a change in the belief system automatically affects the outside world! We are living in a holographic universe. We work with methods based on quantum physical laws and advanced neuro-scientific research.

This course combines the “best of the best” from 20 years of consciousness research and grants reliable access to your subconscious as well as neural reprogramming and offers the possibility of deepest transformation on a vaibrational level and the creation of a new identity as a conscious co-creator of your reality.

Quantum Leap Formula PLUS - Tools

TOOL 1: Daily alignment "Tuning In"  (5 min)

TOOL 2: "Ascension Key" (22 min guided visualization meditation)

TOOL 3: Release old blocks & create new, creative beliefs   (15min)

TOOL 4: Liberate Space with Feng Shui (25 - 40 min)

TOOL 5: Neuron synchronization in the brain (3 x 3 min)

TOOL 6: Quantum-Neuro-Shifting Sessions (3 x 1:1 session of 30 min each)

TOOL 7: 21 days of 1:1 personal  guidance & support for anything which you may need!  


The guided meditation “Ascension Key” is INCLUDED in the online course.



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This full crash course is based on the realization that 95% of our reality is created by our subconscious and only 5% by our conscious, rational mind.

By using various tools, you begin to consciously allied with your subconscious, with 95% of your potential, and to raise the vibration of your frequency field so that you, as a co-creator of your reality, can create the ideal version of your own life.

This 21-day, step-by-step online coaching program is designed so that after 21 days your belief system is updated, you have cleared basic blockages and your frequency is tuned to happiness and success, just like you are will define!



You will be guided step by step every day with clear instructions for a new module (video + workbook) so that you only have to implement it. It requires a total of around 1.5 hours of active care per day from you (the final timing of the 5 tools is up to you, you get a calendar suggestion and an empty calendar to fill out).

You have access to a group of like-minded people in which I am LIVE once a week! In the group you can exchange ideas and share your experiences and enrich each other. This helps everyone not to feel alone, because you can see that others feel the same way as you!



The quantum jump formula method is based on very profound and scientific principles. It is based on the discoveries of quantum physics and the quantum model of reality, which says that the outside world is an extension of the mind and a change in the belief system automatically affects the outside world! We work with methods based on quantum physical laws and neuroscientific research.

This course combines the “best of the best” from 20 years of consciousness research and grants reliable access to your subconscious as well as neural reprogramming and offers the possibility of deepest transformation and the creation of a new identity as a conscious co-creator of your reality.

The guided meditation “Ascension Key” is included in the online course.



TOOL 1: Daytime attunement (5 min)

TOOL 2: "Ascension Key" (22 min visual, guided meditation)

TOOL 3: Locating and letting go of limiting, and creating new and creative beliefs (15min)

TOOL 4: Create space with Feng Shui (25 - 40 min)

TOOL 5: Neuron synchronization in the brain (3 x 3 min)


This course offer does not include personal coaching / frequency healing during the 21 days. If you would like to use my support as a coach and 3 energy transformation sessions, please go to the QUANTUM LEAP FORMULA PLUS offer!


63% off
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Ultimate Success Accelerator

EmPower is a private 1:1 personalized Transformational Coaching Program, where I personally make sure, you will experience a fast and lasting transformation for finally creating a life you love! 

For more personalized  info, contact me:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Ultimate Success Accelerator

EmPower es una mentoría privada de 3 meses y se adapta a las necesidades de cada uno individualmente. 

Te acompañaré personalmente de la manera más directa y rápida resolviendo los bloqueos que te impiden avanzar y crear la versión ideal de ti. 

Para mas información personalizada contáctame a través del botón de WhatsApp a la derecha de la pantalla, o escríbeme un correo: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Ascension Key (English)

"ASCENSION KEY" is the most complete guided meditation available (22 minutes duration) desgined for anybody who wishes to improve their life style without complicated procedures. Learn how to connect mind and heart and to define your future. Allow peace and harmony come back to your life. Experience the path of happiness and abundance.

DOWNLOAD The User Guide 100 % FREE


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